Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 2024 Oh So Inspired Collab

It's time for another Oh So Inspired Collab!! This month we are being inspired by a card by one of my online crafty friends, Sheri Gilson- Paper Crafty's Creations | @sherigilson on IG. I am always so inspired by her!  Check out my video HERE for details and to find the playlist to see the other collab team members videos.

This is the card we are using for our inspiration:

Isn't that just gorgeous!!! I was first struck by the colors against the white and then I spied the tag, we all know I love tags!! 

Here's what I came up with:

Have a super day! Go do something for yourself and go get crafty!

Products Used:
SU Cardstock 
Darcie Lace Border Embossing Folder
SU Ribbon

**Some links that I share are affiliate links. I link them up for your convenience and may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I hope you will consider using the links if you decide to purchase the products I share.**

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